MARIN CITY – This week, Golden Gate Village Resident Council (GGVRC), in partnership with CFI Education, will host a virtual screening of 70 Acres in Chicago, the award-winning documentary chronicling the demolition of public housing development Cabrini Green, displacement of its residents and gentrification of the area.
The film charts a similar story to the plight of Marin City's Golden Gate Village, according to organizers, where gentrification and displacement would also be the outcome if the Marin Housing Authority's current redevelopment proposal for the community were allowed to proceed.
To underscore the dangers facing the only family public housing development in Marin County and National Historic Register designee, the screening also features a pre-recorded panel discussion with 70 Acres filmmaker Ronit Bezalel and Marin City activists and community leaders.
Viewers can stream the film and panel discussion for free from Friday, February 26 to Thursday, March 4, 2021. Tickets are available at no charge by signing up on the Smith Rafael Film Center's site at https://rafaelfilm.cafilm.org/70-acres-in-chicago/. Individuals who would like to support GGVRC's efforts to save their community can contribute via a GoFundMe campaign, and learn more at www.ggvrc.org.
“The devastation to Cabrini Green offers a powerful cautionary tale for the future of Golden Gate Village if revitalization plans do not respect the history and vitality of our community and the needs of our residents,” said Royce McLemore, president of Golden Gate Village Resident Council and panel participant. “This is not just about destruction of buildings, it's the destruction of a community that has been built over generations.”
In addition to Bezalel and McLemore, panelists include Lynnette Egenlauf, activist, teacher, Marin City resident; Terrie Green, executive director, Shore Up Marin, and Marin City Resident; and moderator Marilyn Mackel, retired attorney.
About the Golden Gate Village Resident Council
Find more at www.ggvrc.org and GoFundMe "Save Golden Gate Village" page.
Sketch of Golden Gate Village by architect Aaron Green